St. Damien
Catholic Church
Parish Activities and Groups
We invite you to share your time and talent and join in one or more of the various activities or groups for men, women and children that are offered at
St. Damien of Molokai Catholic Church and listed below.

Altar Serving
Boys ten and older may take instruction and serve at Mass.
Contact Father for instruction times and to be placed on the server schedule.

Altar Society
All ladies who are 18 years and older are invited to assist and support the Pastor with all things related to the upkeep of the sanctuary and other special projects to support the overall life of the community including hospitality, bereavement dinners, cleaning and the food pantry.
Meetings are held at the church on the third Sunday of the month between the Masses. Our patron is the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Marianne Cope who carried on the work of caring for the lepers on the island of Molokai after Father Damien (our parish patron) died.

Catechism Classes
Catechism Classes are offered during the school year for parish children in grades K - High School from 9:15 to 10:15 am on Sundays.
Classes begin the first Sunday after Labor Day and end in May. Sign-up for classes is in August at the church.

The St. Damien Choirs sing at High Mass and Low Mass on Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation. Their repertoire includes Gregorian Chant and Polyphony. There is also a children's choir for ages 7-14.
Please contact the Choir Director for more information on becoming a choir member.

Church Cleaning
Families and individuals are able to participate in the cleaning of the church on Saturdays after the 8 am Mass. Cleaners are asked to sign-up for one Saturday a month for 12 months. Cleaning takes about 2 hours and the church provides the cleaning supplies. Learn more

Confraternity of Christian Mothers
The Confraternity of Christian Mothers is for Catholic women, married or widowed, with or without children who undertake the obligation of the Christian education of children. Single women may join as associate members. The St. Damien Confraternity was canonically established and became officially affiliated with the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers on August 12, 2021, and is under the patronage of Our Lady of Sorrows.
The Confraternity usually meets on the First Saturday of every month from September through May beginning with 8 am Mass followed by a brunch and fellowship, a spiritual talk by Father and ending with a Holy Hour and confessions. Please check the bulletin for any changes.

Confraternity of St. Peter
The Confraternity of St. Peter is the society of faithful that wish to support the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's (FSSP) charism through prayers and sacrifices. The FSSP supplies the priests that minister to the faithful at St. Damien and we encourage all men, women and children ages 14 and older to enroll.
More information and enrollment can be found at FSSP.org

Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration is held every Wednesday immediately following the 8 am Mass and lasting through Benediction ending at 6:45 pm.
Anyone is welcome to come and go but scheduled adorers are always needed. A sign-up sheet is located in the church vestibule.
St. Damien Men's Group
The St. Damien Men's group is for Catholic men ages 18 and older. The group was established to assist men to grow in holiness and learn to pray more fervently. The men meet on the last Saturday of every month for evening Benediction, rosary and a spiritual talk by Father followed by fellowship.

St. Maria Goretti Guild
The St. Maria Goretti Guild is for Catholic girls ages 8 to 17. The mission of the group is the sanctification of its members through service to God and the parish community. By praying together and participating in social activities, the Guild members aspire to strengthen and encourage the virtues and values befitting a young Catholic lady and to follow the example and be under the patronage of St. Maria Goretti.
The Guild usually meets on the first Saturday of every month from September through May beginning with 8 am Mass, followed by brunch and the Guild activities. Please check the bulletin for any changes.
Young Adults
The St. Damien Young Adult group is for Catholic men and women, single or married, ages 18 to 30. The group was established to assist young adults to grow in holiness through prayer and social activities planned by the Young Adult Leadership Team. The Young Adults meet once a month. To be informed of meeting dates and times, please check the bulletin or contact the church secretary at secretary@stdamiens.com to be added to the contact list.